
πŸ”₯ Additional Heart Gems

πŸ”₯ Additional Heart Gems (Rare)

Category: Gems

NOTE: As long as there's gems in the usual placement as well, you will NOT need the "Abnormal Gem Placement" Trait in addition to this one.

πŸ”₯ Unnatural Gem Shape (Rare)

Category: Gems

Unnatural shapes such as stars or hearts!

πŸ”₯ Organic Gem Shape (Uncommon)

Category: Gems

Naturally occuring shapes for gems that are not the standard diamond!

πŸ”₯ Rounded Gems

πŸ”₯ Rounded Gems (Uncommon)

Category: Gems

Gems are rounded or ovalΒ  shaped instead of diamond shaped.

πŸ”₯ Standard Gem Shape

πŸ”₯ Standard Gem Shape (Common)

Category: Gems

The standard diamond shape!

πŸ”₯ Missing Heart Gems

πŸ”₯ Missing Heart Gems (Legendary)

Category: Gems

One or more of the gems are missing!

NOTE: Requires to have at least one gem somewhere.

πŸ”₯ Mismatched Gems (Rare)

Category: Gems

The gem colors and/or shape are mismatched instead of uniform! One or more heart gem is a different color/set of colors or shape than the others.

NOTE:Β Mismatched shapes require the Ignatto to have "Organic Gem Shape", "Unnatural Gem Shape", and/or "Rounded Gems" Trait(s) in addtion to this trait!

⭐ One Heart (Common)

Category: Heart / Eye

The Star Eater has one heart, thus has only one eye!

⭐ Heartless (Rare)

Category: Heart / Eye

Heartless results in there being no eye. The Star Eater also does not have the capability to use the laser attack!

⭐ Dual Heart (Legendary)

Category: Heart / Eye

Two hearts which results in two eyes!

⭐ Dual Color Heart [RETIRED] (Uncommon)

The heart has two colors which results in an eye that has two colors!

⭐ Exposed Heart (Legendary)

NOTE:Β This trait is more commonly seen on the Synthetic Subtype!

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