
πŸ”₯ Organic Gem Shape (Uncommon)

Category: Gems

Naturally occuring shapes for gems that are not the standard diamond!

πŸ”₯ Rounded Gems

πŸ”₯ Rounded Gems (Uncommon)

Category: Gems

Gems are rounded or ovalΒ  shaped instead of diamond shaped.

⭐ Dual Color Heart [RETIRED] (Uncommon)

The heart has two colors which results in an eye that has two colors!

⭐ Synthetic Atmosphere (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Synthetics can be built to have atmospheres! This trait gives the Synthetic some properties of livables, usually used for Synthetics that are built with the intent to live on.

This trait is exclusive to Synthetic type Star Eaters

πŸ”₯ Thin Tail

πŸ”₯ Thin Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail

A thin tail that looks more like a domesticated cat tail!

⭐ Dino Tail [Legacy] (Uncommon)

Category: Tail

Legacy version of the "Dino Tail" Trait.Β 

NOTE: Please make sure you're using the non-Legacy version of the trait when submitting new Star Eaters!

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