
🔥 Standard (Special)

Category: Subtypes
Species: 🔥 Ignatto (🔥 Crossbreed subtype)

🔥 Crystal (Special)

Category: Subtypes
Species: 🔥 Ignatto (🔥 Crossbreed subtype)

🔥 Water (Special)

Category: Subtypes
Species: 🔥 Ignatto (🔥 Crossbreed subtype)

🔥 Draconic (Special)

Category: Subtypes
Species: 🔥 Ignatto (🔥 Crossbreed subtype)

🔥 Buggie (Special)

Category: Subtypes
Species: 🔥 Ignatto (🔥 Crossbreed subtype)

🔥 Subtype Shifter (Special)

Category: Subtypes
Species: 🔥 Ignatto

Allows an ignatto to change into a form that is a different subtype

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