Hearts Fest 2024

Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by gemini

This event will last until Friday March 8th! all prizes and prompts will be available to claim until midnight.

It's time for the Star Eaters hearts fest!

Hearts Fest is a time to celebrate all kinds of love, friendship and family. Star Eaters who are romantically, platonically or familially bonded with each other take this time to give their loved ones gifts or simply spend quality time with them!

In the spirit of Hearts Fest we have crafted a lovely gift for you all and we hope that you enjoy it! And maybe make some new friends this Hearts Fest season! Click the gift box below to claim it! It contains a guaranteed set of items [no randomness this time around!]

Valentines Gift

Seasonal pet! Heart hog

Say hello to the Hearts Fest seasonal pet - The Heart Hog!

This lovely little fella will be available for the duration of the event for limited purchase in the Comet Coin shop and for free by participating in the scavenger hunt and event prompts!

Scavenger hunt!

Hearts Fest Scavenger hunt is underway!

You will need to collect certain items to summon a Heart Hog which are placed somewhere on this website! Collect all of these items and submit them to the "Heart Hog Summoning" prompt to get the new pet!

The items you will need are, Heart Candies, A Heart Plushie, and a Festival Banner!

your first hint:

To even begin the set up of summoning a Heart Hog you will need to get a Festival Banner, the essential component to any Festival celebration! You might be able to ask an Admin of the website for one, surely they have a stash somehwere!

Art Prompt!

there is a new Art Prompt that will be active for the duration of the event! Read more about it on the current events prompt page!


also be on the look out for some new friends that will be available for purchase...


Other important updates!

Comet Coin changes

We are working hard on game balancing, this is a learning experience for us and based on the previous event I've learned a few things about the comet coin distribution!

The first change is to the Backgrounds bonus, we are experimenting with using a percentage scheme for the background bonus, this is Not guaranteed to remain and is experimental, but we'd like to better reward people for their time and effort on backgrounds for their pieces! this may make certain backgrounds worth less and certain ones worth much more based on the pieces context which is a factor that was not considered before.

We have also added a new middle tier for backgrounds! This middle tier will include semi detailed space backgrounds with clear effort put into making them but may not include as many details as would be required for a detailed background! Our team had struggled with classifying a lot of backgrounds during the previous event which may have lead to some reward inconsistencies, we hope that by adding another tier for these more middle ground looking backgrounds we will eliminate that for future events and general coin claiming!

The writing comet coin reward has also been updated! We now will be rewarding 0.5 CC per word instead of the previous 0.1CC, this is to make writing more worth it for those who don't wish to do artwork or prefer writing. The previous event we realized that the writing rewards seemed much too low compared to the rewards for drawings and we want to make that more balanced and fair to writers!

About the delay

last but not least I want to once again apologize for the delay in getting this event set up, I won't go into detail but I was unexpectedly out of commission for a couple of weeks and could not work on the event set up like I had planned. I am doing better now and things should run smoothly for the event! Thank you all for your patience and I hope you have fun with this mini event!


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