Bug time

In Event Zero ・ By AlixElm
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Audyn floated through space, the waterfall on their back constantly rushing but making no sound in the vacuum. As the massive, heartless star eater let their previous momentum carry them forward, they started to feel a small pull toward another of their 'kind'. Wait, no... Not exactly their kind. The feeling was slightly different; it was still very much a star eater, but not one with an atmosphere such as theirs.

Following the pull, Audyn eventually located Libra, a synthetic of their kind who contains a large library. Audyn lazily got closer to Libra, concern washing over them as they noticed more and more signs of Libra being unwell.

"Are you okay, Libra? You don't look so well," Audyn's words drawled slightly. The ancient star eater currently in the middle of a thaw cycle after an ice age. The weather on Audyn's surface always impacts their voice.

Libra was generally social, but the sick-looking star eater didn't seem to have energy. "Ah, Audyn. I see you're moving again. It's been a bit since you've been around," Libra's normally enthused voice was a bit more subdued. "The library is closed due to a little infestation. Gemeni and Leo are inside on catching duty. Would you mind giving them a hand? If I remember correctly, you're good with creatures."

Audyn let out a sigh and shifted to their surface form, floating their way inside Libra. It was a bit of a mess: books pushed out onto the floor, bugs running amuck as they escaped from Gemeni and Leo's attempts to catch them.

Making their way to the middle of the library, Audyn let out a shrill whistle, a way to call at least a portion of the bugs to them. Using the sounds to call them, Audyn walked around the library with the bugs as the pied piper did with rats. 

Audyn led them outside of the library, trying to release them to the wild with some minor success. While some of the bugs left on their own, it would seem others would need to be caged and relocated slightly more forcefully. 

Bug time
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In Event Zero ・ By AlixElm
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Submitted By AlixElm
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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