Ayelet's Days
The starfields sparked and glowed with energy as Ayelet bounded through space. The star eater loved to bounce between the asteroids that floated around the nearby planets and suns.
Taking a break from jumping around, Ayelet chittered as she relaxed, core flaring slightly before dimming. It was quite beautiful watching the weather patterns on the nearby planet swirl and shift. This is the common way Ayelet spent their time: bounding around space without a care until they were able to find a place to relax peacefully.
Time is a bit of an abstract concept for star eaters who reside in space. Most don't have a way to track days, weeks, months, or years while floating around out there. Ayelet knew some of the others with life on their surfaces used that time as their metric, but that rarely lines up with other star eaters' times. Her way of tracking time was by following one of her moon's orbits; most of the time, this was accurate enough for her to know when to rest. Though sometimes Zecha—her comet cat—throws it off orbit while playing.
Even though life was possible on Ayelet's back, it's 'rare'. Her atmosphere became thin, and her surface is too cold for most species. There are many ruins on her surface from when she was younger. Cities had grown on her as she floated through space. They fell along with their inhabitants. The black spots on her surface are damage from bombs that her warring dwellers used to destroy each other.
Much of her past was painful to remember, but she reminisced about the times she helped the little ones on her surface, watched them grow, and gave them advice on how to stay alive on her.
Now she floats through the starfields, a cover of joy and carelessness, to forget the pain of the past. Through the glittering stars and around the array of colorful planets. She spends much of her time away from other star eaters, unable to open up after feeling the wars take place on her back.
Thankfully, she wasn't fully alone; Zecha came to her aid just after the wars and has been comforting Ayelet ever since. Recently (by star eater standards), another creature was added to their space exploration: a cosmic corvid named Riah. The cute bird spent a lot of time playing with Zecha and trying to fly faster than Ayelet.
Ayelet was ready to sleep after much reminiscing as she watched the clouds flow around the planet in front of her. She curled up with Zecha and Riah, letting her core dim a bit more so the two pets could sleep peacefully as well. She had been through a lot but the beauty of the starfields calmed her heart as she let out a small sigh and fell asleep.
Submitted By AlixElm
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago