Comments on looking for Halloween collectibles (2024) in Item Exchange

Lemon_Sharks Avatar

items i need: -vampire chompers -fish treat -pumpkin bell -purple candy -red sticky star paw items im offering (one for one) -blue sticky star paw -candy corn -glowy chompers -planetary pop -pumpkin eater bar -pluto bar

2024-10-11 05:53:38 (Edited 2024-10-11 18:56:38)

AlixElm Avatar

I can give you chompers for the planetary pop. Feel free to set up the trade if that works for you. Join the discord if you can/haven't, we have an item swap channel. you'll get more eyes on your trade offer.

2024-10-11 18:38:42

Lemon_Sharks Avatar

Man I wish, my parents won’t let me have discord at the moment 😒

2024-10-11 18:42:15

AlixElm Avatar

Gotcha. It happens, just thought I'd put it out there.

2024-10-11 18:45:02

Lemon_Sharks Avatar

Yeah, do you still want to do the trade?

2024-10-11 18:46:49